Latest News and Events Mallorca – Market Update Properties

With the arrival of 2014, it appears that the worst of the Spanish real estate crisis is finally ending. While Mallorca and other Balearic Islands have been somewhat isolated from the extreme gravity of this crisis, it seems that the Spanish mainland is also beginning to recover more interest in the housing market revived and driven by foreign investors looking to cash price reduction on the property.
Real Estate Mallorca
The increased interest in the property in Mallorca market in Spain is not only come from the private and individual sector, but also the commercial sectors have suffered a 21% increase in year groups and private equity buyers.

While Mallorca has not suffered the extremity of the Spanish property crisis, it is true to say that Mallorca experienced a general decline in real estate prices and also experienced a similar pattern of increased interest in the purchase of residential and real estate Mallorca as a direct result of result of investors taking the opportunity of the economic situation. Now, with this trend toward stabilization and recovery, which is already evident, we now believe that there will be a short window of opportunity in this gap recovery, allowing potential investors to capitalize on low prices, before starting to climb gradually along with the increased demand in the summer of this year. Most real estate professionals in Mallorca are hoping for a much faster price growth than previously expected, and I think this will start in late 2014.
Property in Mallorca
Another news regarding Mallorca is that a greater number of cruise ships arriving on the island is presented. During 2013, there was an increase of 18%, with significant forced into tourism law changes, allowing local businesses to Palma remain completely open all weekend – including Sundays.

This change occurred in April 2012, has made our cosmopolitan city of Palma de Mallorca even more attractive as a holiday destination and Mediterranean port of call.

Clearly Mallorca has become so popular and revered that Morocco is looking to the island to learn from our tourism industry. The Moroccan Minister of Tourism and Commerce (Aziz Rabbah) officially visited the Balearic Islands to organize the collaboration and learning processes whereby vera Morocco benefited from the experience and knowledge that Mallorca has in the tourism sector.

Finally, the government of Mallorca voted to continue the ongoing project to build a second casino on the island. The second casino will be located in the Balearic Teatro de Palma and even bring more business income and this character is full of elegance Palma de Mallorca.

Lugares para visitar en Mallorca

Es Trenc

Famosa por su belleza salvaje y natural, Es Trenc es una de las playas más impresionantes de la isla. Arena blanca y clara, aguas turquesas y poco profundas proporcionan un hermoso refugio para las familias, mientras que los humedales circundantes y bosques albergan a las aves migratorias y la vegetación marina. Los niños de las escuelas locales visitan la zona para conocer más acerca del sorprendente paisaje natural de Mallorca.

La playa no está unida a las zonas turísticas más importantes de la isla, es un tesoro oculto a ser descubierto por el viajero más exigente. A pesar de su lejanía, Es Trenc cuenta con varios chiringuitos, cafeterías, e instalaciones estándar de playa para su alquilar. También hay zonas nudistas oficiales.

Es Trenc se puede encontrar en la costa sur cerca de la tranquila localidad de Colonia Sant Jordi.
Property in Majorca

Sóller es un pueblo del interior de belleza y tradición. Situado entre las montañas y el mar, sus naranjos y calles empedradas proporcionan un encanto nostálgico atemporal.

Tome el tren de época de Palma y disfrute de kilómetros de un campo magnífico. Una encantadora experiencia en sí misma, la conexión ferroviaria fue construida en 1912, permitiendo a las personas aisladas de Sóller comerciar con el resto de la isla.

La ciudad es sede de numerosos festivales y ferias, la celebración a su vez de rica historia de la isla a través de su arte. Hay bares, cafés y restaurantes, muchos ofrecen la oportunidad de disfrutar de la comida tradicional. Lujo de cinco estrellas también se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad, Gran Hotel Sóller, un hermoso hotel con una colección de obras de arte a lo largo.

Sóller se encuentra a unos 30 minutos de Palma, en la costa noroeste.
Luxury Properties Majorca
La Seu (Catedral de Palma de Mallorca)

Uno de las más impresionantes edificios góticos de Europa, esta magnífica catedral abarca muchos estilos artísticos desde la Edad Media después de haber tomado desde 1229 – 1601 para su acabdo.

Situado en la capital de la isla, Palma, La Seu se encuentra dentro del casco viejo, con vistas al mar Mediterráneo.

En 1901, el famoso arquitecto Antoni Gaudí, pasó un breve período en la restauración de la catedral. En el interior, las columnas están rodeadas con candelabros de hierro forjado de su diseño.

Hay un pequeño museo dentro de la catedral y una de las mayores vidrieras del mundo. Sin embargo, el mayor espectáculo es la impresionante piedra dorada interior.

La Seu se encuentra en el casco antiguo de Palma. Disfrute de la estancia en el inmueble de lujo Mallorca.
Mallorca Houses For Sale
La Fundación Pilar y Joan Miró

“Mallorca es verdaderamente una hermosa isla. En algunos lugares, se siente tan fresco como si acababa de ser creado el mundo. Eso no es algo que usted encontrará en los ambientes parisinos que hemos visitado ” .
Joan Miró, 1948.

La Fundación Pilar y Joan Miro consiste en un museo, jardines y talleres reales del famoso artista Joan Miro . Después de haber pasado los veranos de infancia en la isla con su abuela materna, los lazos de Miró a la isla de fortalecen cuando se casó con una mujer joven mallorquina, Pilar Juncosa, en 1929. Consideraba Mallorca como uno de los lugares más inspiradores del mundo y vivió aquí durante muchos años. Visita Unique Properties para la venta en Mallorca.

La fundación está formado por tres de los edificios arquitectónicamente más impresionantes de la isla : Son Boter , la casa de finales del siglo 18 utilizado por un estudio de Miró , el estudio Sert – diseñada por Josep Lluis Sert y moderna sede de la Fundación. Hay pinturas, esculturas y piezas de cerámica entre las piezas para ver. También hay una pequeña tienda donde se pueden comprar souvenirs.

La Fundación Pilar y Joan Miró se encuentran a las afueras de la ciudad de Palma.

Lugares a visitar en Mallorca

Mientras que los puertos y centros turísticos cosmopolitas de Mallorca atraen a miles de visitantes internacionales cada año, son los tesoros escondidos que hacen de esta isla tan especial . Impresionantes parajes naturales y hermosos pueblos de artesanos esperan a aquellos dispuestos a descubrir la verdadera magia de Mallorca. La mayoría de la gente opta por viviendas alquileres de lujo en Mallorca.
Penthouses for sale Mallorca

En 1878, Deia fue descrita por una guía turística como ” una colección de extranjeros extraños y excéntricos” . Más tarde, en 1932, el aclamado poeta y novelista Inglés Robert Graves descubrió el pueblo, trayendo con él una corriente de amigos de visita, estableciendo así Deia como una colonia de artistas. Con una economía que aún hoy en día gira en torno a las bellas artes y la artesanía, visitar Deia es muy parecido a caer en un sorprendente set de filmación.

Hoteles de lujo, como la famosa, Residencia y el hermoso Es Moli . En armonía con su ambiente cultural Deia acoge a una serie de conciertos y festivales anuales. Desde el pueblo se puede subir hasta Cala Deià, una pequeña y bonita playa de piedras… corre el rumor de que los artistas locales continúan la tradición de Robert Graves, fiestas de fin de semana y nadar desnudo!

Deia se encuentra en la Serra de Tramuntana , a unos diez kilómetros al norte de Valldemossa.
Properties for sale in Mallorca
Cuevas del Drach (Cuevas del Dragón )

Estas impresionantes y antiguas cuevas se encuentran en Porto Cristo, en la costa este de la isla. En el interior, encontrará uno de los lagos subterráneos más grandes del mundo – el lago Martel. Hay una belleza ” de otro mundo”. El lago subterráneo y las espectaculares formaciones rocosas se pueden disfrutar en un viaje en barco que incorpora la música clásica. Una gran maravilla natural de Europa.

La Reserva

Es una reserva natural que incorpora un frondoso bosque, cascadas, fauna mallorquina y – para el visitante más aventurero – un parque de actividades con tirolinas , puentes colgantes y paredes de escalada.

La Reserva ofrece la oportunidad de conectarse con la Mallorca “real” lejos de las multitudes. Este fantástico parque, para todas las edades, es una gran manera de introducir a los niños pequeños con el paisaje y la fauna de Mallorca.

Abierto al público de marzo a noviembre , La Reserva se encuentra cerca del pueblo de Puigpunyent, , Suroeste de Mallorca.
Unique Property Services
Cala Formentor

De vuelta en la década de 1930 , Cala Formentor fue el campo de juego de las glamurosas estrellas de cine de la época. Hoy, su magnífico mar de color turquesa y arena blanca  fina, atraen a aquellos que buscan belleza natural impresionante .

En un entorno de bosque mediterráneo, Cala Formentor ofrece algunas de las mejores vistas de la isla al lado de grandes instalaciones de la playa.
Cala Formentor se encuentra en el noroeste de la isla.

In what manner you want to spend your holiday? The answer is right over here

Mallorca is an island situated in the mainland of Spain. The island is full of landscapes and lovely white sandy beaches around the coast area. In Mallorca, there is high demand of Mallorca properties because it has cheaper price from rest of the north European countries and islands. Now govt. is showing its interest in developing the infrastructure.
Exclusive real estate near Puerto Adriano in Mallorca
People want to sell the properties and many are there to buy that in this wonderful island and this will go on even if there is a crisis in the world’s economy market. The Mallorca Luxury Real Estate includes all sorts of luxurious apartments and villas where we can spend our holiday’s time with dear ones. The island is not only a finest place to live but also a profitable place to invest in it. So this is the right time to invest in Mallorca property.
Majorca Luxury Real Estate
If you are looking for beautiful new and resale villas then you are good to go for Property in Majorca. Majorca is a beautiful square shaped island located in the southern side of Spain and has a large variety in real-estate. You can choose among various luxurious properties set under Majorca Properties.
Mallorca VillasThe visitors get mesmerized by the picturesque that are coming out from Majorca Property. Both the islands have lot to offer for visitors of all ages and are the busiest island with tourists all the time because of its attractive views and holiday spots from which you can’t take your eyes out.

Vivir En El Suroeste De Mallorca

El suroeste de Mallorca es uno de los lugares más atractivos del Mediterráneo para aquellos que buscan un hogar durante todo el año bajo el sol. A sólo treinta minutos de la ciudad capital de Palma , la región ofrece una envidiable gama de comodidades, incluyendo escuelas internacionales ; el cercano aeropuerto de Son Sant Juan , algunas de las tiendas más exclusivas y restaurantes de la isla y una línea de costa de arena fina .

El suroeste es una región a cosechar los beneficios de una enorme inversión. En 2007, se iniciaron los trabajos para transformar Port Adriano en el más lujoso puerto deportivo para super-yates del Mediterráneo. Su diseñador francés Philipe Starck ha creado un nuevo y moderno parque infantil para los ricos y famosos. La zona comercial ha sido completamente mejorada , creando una experiencia de alta calidad para ser disfrutados si usted es el dueño de un fabuloso yate, o simplemente observar a la gente en el puerto con un capuchino .

Los planes de renovación contemplan la articulación de ideas para el turismo de invierno a largo plazo en la isla. Otoño en el Sur Occidente es típicamente cálido y soleado. Octubre y noviembre son meses excelentes para explorar la isla, lejos de las multitudes. El invierno es extremadamente suave y luminoso, con un promedio de cinco horas al día de luz solar en diciembre, en comparación con un promedio de una hora de sol al día en Londres!

La primavera es cálida, con una precipitación baja que ofrece hasta nueve horas de sol al día. Un destino perfecto de enero a diciembre, ahora es el momento para invertir en la región, al mundo se despierta  su belleza durante todo el año!

Los que optaron por hacer del suroeste su casa descubren un perfecto equilibrio de características internacionales y  encanto rústico tradicional. Pueblos como S’Arraco y Capdella permanecen sin cambios y han inspirado a artistas y escritores desde hace muchos años.

La empresa contemporánea, la educación y el ocio de la región están a la altura de las más importantes ciudades del mundo.

El suroeste de Mallorca ofrece una de los estilos de vida más envidiables del mundo para las familias, los empresarios y los que buscan paz y relajación. Es una comunidad verdaderamente internacional con un futuro increíble por delante.

Living in the South West of Mallorca

The South West of Mallorca is one of the most attractive locations in the Mediterranean for those looking for a year round home in the sun.  Just thirty minutes from the capital city of Palma, the region offers an enviable range of amenities including international schools; the nearby Son Sant Juan Airport; some of the most exclusive shops and restaurants on the island, anda glorious sandy coastline.

The South West is a region reaping the benefits of huge investment.  Back in 2007, work began to transform Port Adriano into the most luxurious super-yacht marina in the Mediterranean.  French designer Philipe Starck has created a new and contemporary playground for the rich and famous.  The entire commercial area has been upgraded, creating a high-end experience to be enjoyed whether you’re the owner of a fabulous yacht, or simply people-watching in the port with a cappuccino.

Plans for renovation across the region tie in with the island’s long-term winter tourism plans.  Autumn in the South West is typically warm and sunny.  October and November are great months to explore the island away from the crowds.  Winter is exceedingly mild and bright with an average of five hours a day of sunshine in December, compared to an average of one hour of sunshine a day in London!  Spring is warm with a low rainfall offering up to nine hours of sunshine a day.A perfect destination from January to December, now is the time to invest in the region as the world wakes up to its year round beauty!

Those who chose to make the South West their home discover a perfect balance of international amenities and traditional, rustic charm. Villages such as S’Arraco and Capdella remain much unchanged and have inspired artists and writers for many years.Meanwhile, contemporary business, education and leisure facilitiesacross the region rival those found in any major, international city.

The South West of Mallorca offers one of the most enviable life-styles in the world for families, entrepreneurs and those looking for peace and relaxation alike.  It’s a truly international community with an incredible future ahead.

Loving Life – Loving Mallorca

With over 15 years of lifestyle experience here in Mallorca, I have never experienced and enjoyed the island as much as I do today. Living in such a dramatically beautiful island always provided a stunning back drop and temperate climate, but since becoming a mother of two small children, I feel that I have developed a new appreciation for this special place that we call home. With the welcome change of seasons comes a refreshing change of climate and a whole new variety of appealing activities and enjoyment on this striking island.

One of the most attractive features about Mallorca is the diversity of culture, facilities and scenery. With the island enjoying the luxury of being highly accessible (Mallorca is currently an air hub for Air Berlin and also receives direct flights from Moscow) as well as being only 2 – 3 hrs travel time from most major cities in Europe – for example – London and Berlin.  Within Mallorca, no place is too far – it is only 1 hr travel time by car from South to North and 1 ½ hrs from East to West. The variety of lifestyle experiences on offer here range from the cosmopolitan city of Palma de Mallorca, the serenity and cultural history of the Spanish style villages nestling in the mountains, the exclusive yacht marinas such as Puerto Portals,

Puerto Andratx and Puerto Adriano with high end designer stores and services, to the idyllic sandy beaches and tourist areas which provide a multitude of services and eateries for all nationalities and budgets. To discover such an array of amenities all situated within such close proximity to each other is indeed an extravagance that is seldom offered by any other place in Europe.

Looking To Buy Property in Mallorca? What Should Your Estate Agent Be Doing For You?

Professional estate agents in Mallorca are difficult to find. It is true to say that there is a vast array of real estate companies, island wide, and that many estate agents in Mallorca and property companies across the island promise the earth to their clients, yet very few seem able to deliver the right kind of service to their clients.


An estate agent in Mallorca should be able to offer a balanced and knowledgeable service that inspires confidence and allows any potential property purchaser to find the right property for their needs at the most competitive market price. Sounds simple, doesn´t it ?

Yet so many estate agents in Mallorca fail to provide this type of service to property hunters.


The first integral part of succeeding is for an estate agent in Mallorca to know you, their client and fully understand your lifestyle and property requirements. In order to do so, the estate agent must be prepared to listen and digest the information provided to them by you, their potential property purchaser. Upon hearing and understanding this information and gaining a fully comprehensive grasp of your needs, the next stage is to perform an unbiased property hunt across Mallorca and for the agent to present the real estate that they deem appropriate for you.

An unbiased property hunt should encompass the entire property market in Mallorca. In order to do this, the estate agent must be prepared to liaise with their competitors and collaborate with other estate agents in Mallorca in order to scout the entire island and root out any and every potentially promising property for their purchaser. The estate agent must be focused on selling you the right home, not just selling you any property that they have listed on their books. The focus should always be on assisting you and providing information as you request it – with details provided along the way.


A professional estate agent in Mallorca should be prepared to explain anything that you do not understand, answer any property and purchase related queries that may arise and also be happy to provide a wealth of local knowledge about Mallorca, all of which may be a key deciding factor in your property selection and decision making process. Information such as purchase costs, taxes and other information concerning local surroundings, schools and even desirable restaurants can all be extremely important points, when looking to buy a property in Mallorca.

A professional estate agent in Mallorca should also know and understand their property vendor. This is a critical part of the negotiation process, when it comes to the final stages of the purchase process. Once you have found your dream property in Mallorca, then you want be sure that you are paying the best market price. In order to negotiate on your behalf, your estate agent should have a firm comprehension of their vendor´s financial position as well as a high level of experience in real estate negotiation alongside an accurate view and knowledge of true property market values across the island. It is only with a winning combination of these three attributes, that your real estate agent can achieve the most competitive market price for your new home.


Finally, your estate agent in Mallorca should be able to inspire confidence and offer you a full range of back up services to accompany your new property purchase on the island. They should be happy to recommend reliable and trustworthy sources for finance and banking, legal services, interior design and furnishings as well as offering architectural reports, surveys and reform specialists. Your estate agent should be your expert guide as well as your trusted friend and ally throughout the whole property purchase experience.

Our fully trained and professional estate agents at Unique Mallorca pride ourselves on offering a truly first rate service. We know how to deliver the key ingredients required to make your property purchase experience in Mallorca, a pleasurable and highly successful journey that we follow with you every step of the way.

Buying Real Estate in Mallorca-A Wise Decision

Doing investment in real estate is a wise decision now days and if you have decided to invest in Mallorca real estate, it would be one of the wisest decisions of yours. You will find a lot of choices of real estate on the Mallorca market no matter whether you are looking for homes for rental purpose or you want to settle down permanently.

What do you need to consider before purchasing property here?

The first thing you need to decide before buying this kind of property is location. You should determine where exactly you want your property to be located whether you want it in the outskirts in the mountainside or on the beach side. After you have decided the exact location where you want to purchase a villa of yours, you can start your search. 

Next, you need to check whether the villa in your preferred location is within your budget. To get a proper idea about the price, you can go through the advertisements across the newspapers as well as websites which can help you. You will find many luxury villas offering a wide variety of facilities that are located inside the gated communities. So you can choose the villa that best suits your needs and budget.

Whether you are interested to buy a beautiful house, a luxury villa or just looking for an apartment to purchase make sure you get someone you can trust.


Why should you prefer buying properties of Mallorca?

Whatever you are going to purchase a luxurious villa or a home in Mallorca, it would be a wiser and safer financial investment. In this age, people are becoming more and more confused about where to invest the savings. If you are wondering for a better use of your hard earned money then, it is good to select and purchase a villa or any kind of luxury real estate in Mallorca.

The decision of purchasing villas house in Mallorca is an ideal choice. The building regulations are extremely strict as well as well regulated. Here the supplies of properties hardly exceed the demand.  

The beautiful Mallorca is a beautiful state with so many wonderful luxurious properties. Buying a house for vacation or to settle down permanently would be an ideal investment. The country’s scenic beauty and the varied culture keep attracting people from different corners of the world. The lower crime rates and family oriented environment also play a great role in enjoying a great level of safety. It rarely happens that the people visit Mallorca without falling in love with its scenic beauty and its popularity ensures that the real estate market is rising. In addition the variety of nationalities creates a demand for all types apartments and houses all across Mallorca.

How To Find Home For Sale In Mallorca

If you are looking for homes in Mallorca, never fret because information is plentiful with a mouse click these days. The internet today provides a lot of websites with online list and knowledge regarding real estate in Mallorca.

This dreamy island has a spring break beach destination. If you have decided to live your entire life here with your friends and family, then this is really a good place to stay. Moreover it has dolphin and sea lion shows and children’s beach which attracts families as well. Mallorca offers a wide accessibility to various establishments and amenities to give you extreme dream vibe. For both families and individuals this is an ideal place to live. So if you have decided to live here and therefore expecting to buy a property or house in Mallorca, then you only need to connect to the Internet and:

1.         Go to official city websites – Official websites give firsthand details on everything about a particular city. If you could find the official website of Mallorca, then you can certainly access a lot of information about the city such as history, demographics, and culture; available amenities like parks, museums, hospitals, churches, schools, college and university campuses, and business establishments like stores, banks, hotels, and restaurants etc. Even you can also find information about potential property sellers. Once you could able to find the site, you can type Mallorca on the search bar provided and can click on the links i.e. “Homes for Sale” link under the “Real Estate” heading. Note, “Homes for Sale” page offers a listing of all kinds of properties for sale by different realties and brokerages, including all the necessary information.

2.         Go to real estate company websites – Just like official city websites, real estate company websites are very helpful as well. They also provide important details like selling price, property address, property overview etc. Even you can get complete details of the respective real estate property very easily. is specialized in providing quality real estate house and property services specifically in Mallorca. The site has plentiful luxurious properties and houses, what you can simply look over it logging onto the website.

Looking for homes for sale in Mallorca is relatively easy, as it can be done online. You can take all the time you need by browsing through this website’s listings and catalogs to get additional information and assistance. And who knows, you just might find your dream house among them, waiting for you!